Partner Labor Bundle

Additional support and resources for birth partners.


30-day, risk-free, money-back guarantee!

The Partner Labor Bundle Includes:

Relaxation Triggers Class

Kopa Birth® Relaxation Triggers Class, Online Childbirth Class Plus Package

Relaxation Triggers are another tool mom can use to diversify her guided imagery practice and add depth to the rituals she uses in labor. This video-based online class is presented by Rachel Gray, a Certified Recreational Therapist, and offers a more advanced, hypno-style approach to relaxation. The Relaxation Triggers class is intended to supplement the Online Course instruction on deep relaxation.

3 Partner Labor Guides

Kopa Birth® Partner Labor Guides, Online Childbirth Class Essentials Package

The Partner Labor Guide® Series provides mobile access to the information a partner needs to support mom throughout labor. The three downloadable guides are designed for optimal viewing on a mobile phone. Titles include “Sensory Techniques,” “Positions for Labor,” and “Positions for Pushing.”

"Positive Affirmations for Birth" and "Touch Relaxation" Audio Downloads

Kopa Birth® couple practice touch relaxation

Download two additional guided imagery scripts. “Positive Affirmations for Birth” offers positive, encouraging mantras to build your confidence in your ability to give birth. “Touch Relaxation” offers an interactive script for moms and partners to practice the skill of touch relaxation together.