If you’ve noticed your little one squirming, fussing, or crying and suspect gas might be the culprit, you’re not alone. While gas pains are a normal part of infancy due to their developing digestive systems, seeing your baby in discomfort can be challenging. Let’s explore some gentle, effective remedies to ease those tiny tummy troubles and help your newborn with gas pain.
Understanding Gas in Newborns
Firstly, it’s important to know that it’s normal for newborns to experience gas. Their little digestive systems are still maturing, and they frequently swallow air while feeding or crying, leading to gas buildup.
If swallowed air isn’t released through burping, it naturally progresses from the stomach into the intestines. Once in the intestines, the air can cause discomfort, bloating, and gas. And unfortunately, it can be tricky and require some patience to move that air through the intestines and out of your baby’s body.
Best Remedies for A Newborn With Gas Pain
1. Burping Techniques
- Regular Burping: Burp your baby during and after each feed. This helps release the air they swallow while feeding before it travels to the intestines and causes discomfort.
- Different Burping Positions: Over the shoulder, sitting up, or lying face down on your lap – experiment to find the position that works best for your baby.
Learn more: Why & How to Burp a Newborn
2. Tummy Time
- Supervised Play: When your baby is awake and happy, place them on their tummy. This can help strengthen their stomach muscles and encourage gas to pass.
3. Gentle Massage & Movement
- Tummy Rubs: If you have a newborn with gas pain, gently massage your baby’s belly in a clockwise motion. This can help move the gas along the intestines.
- Bicycle Legs: Gently move your baby’s legs in a bicycling motion. This can also help release trapped gas.
4. Mild Heat
- Warm Bath: A warm bath can be soothing for a newborn with gas pain. The warmth can help relax their abdominal muscles, making it easier for gas to pass.
- Warm Towel: You can try placing a warm (not hot) towel over your lap and then gently holding your baby on it while you massage their back or tummy. Ensure the towel is only warm to the touch and not hot.
5. Feeding Adjustments
- Check Your Latch: If breastfeeding, ensure your baby has a good latch to minimize air intake.
- Bottle-feeding Tips: If bottle-feeding, consider using anti-gas bottles and nipples designed to reduce air swallowing.
6. Simethicone Gas Drops
- What Is Simethicone: Simethicone is a popular over-the-counter remedy for newborns with gas pain. It’s often given to babies in liquid form using a dropper
- What Does It Do: In theory, simethicone works by reducing the surface tension of gas bubbles in the stomach and intestines. This action helps the smaller gas bubbles combine into larger ones. With larger bubbles, it’s easier for your baby to pass gas through burping or flatulence.
- But Does Simethicone Actually Work?: The verdict’s out on whether simethicone actually decreases the symptoms that a newborn with gas pain experiences. Some studies have found that it’s not any more effective than a placebo treatment.
- Consult Your Pediatrician: Before starting any medication, even over-the-counter remedies like simethicone, it’s a good idea to talk with your pediatrician. They can confirm that it’s appropriate for your baby’s specific situation.
When to Seek Medical Attention for Newborn With Gas Pain
If your baby’s gas pains seem severe, or if you notice symptoms like excessive fussiness, poor feeding, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation, it may be time to consult your pediatrician.
Learn more: Reflux in Babies: How to Spot & Treat It
Newborn With Gas Pain: Conclusion
Dealing with gas pains is a common part of new parenthood. Remember, while it’s distressing to see your baby uncomfortable, these pains are typically short-lived as their digestive system matures. Using these gentle remedies can provide significant relief and comfort to your baby.
American Academy of Pediatrics (2023). Pediatric Patient Education: Gassy Baby-Normal. Retrieved at https://publications.aap.org/patiented/article-abstract/doi/10.1542/ppe_schmitt_384/194330/Gassy-Baby-Normal?redirectedFrom=fulltext
WebMD (2022). Infant Gas: How to Prevent & Treat It. Retrieved at https://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/features/infant-gas