“Hi Gwynne,
You may have heard from them, but [Lindsey and Keith] gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Wednesday morning! It was such an honor to be with them during their birth. Lindsey did unbelievably well, handling contractions with distractions and deep breathing. She did SO well that the midwife and nurses were shocked to see that she had dilated from 4 cm to 8 cm in 4 hours since coming into the hospital! Once again, I don’t feel like I did much except watch a strong, amazing woman do exactly what her body was telling her to do. She gave birth 100% naturally and I am tearing up just remembering it!
I know your Confident Childbirth class had a huge impact on her and Keith. They told me that before they took the class they were a little skeptical and unsure about the whole class idea. But you never would have known that during their labor. They worked so well together and Lindsey was really so relaxed (until pushing, of course!) It was so wonderful, Gwynne!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! You are doing amazing work with couples before and after they have their little ones!” Amber, Doula to Lindsey and Keith
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