Anna and I attended you class and had a wonderful time. Things did not go exactly according to plan, the doctors induced, and eventually we ended up having an epidural. Most important to me was giving Anna the sense that this was not a failure, it was a different path to the same goal, and that is something you reinforced in your class.
– Ben
Here are some other birth articles and stories we know you’ll love.
- How Often to Feed a Newborn (& How to Know If Baby Is Getting Enough)
- Anatomy of Breastfeeding
- Benefits of Skin to Skin Contact After Birth
- “Our birth story is definitely one I will enjoy sharing for the rest of my life.”
- “…tools to be able to have a great birth experience.”
- “The breathing techniques got me through labor.”
- Labor Breathing & Why it Matters
- Childbirth Breathing Techniques Similar to Lamaze®