“My water broke on Tuesday morning, but NOTHING happened. We were checked into the hospital and put on a pitocin drip….Then, the doctor did another exam…and my contractions came on hard and fast. The birth ball was my tool for quite a while. Coming into transition, I experienced some back labor which was alleviated by Danny’s counter pressure. I pushed for 40 minutes and VOILA!, we had our baby! Danny and I both felt very prepared throughout the delivery and are grateful for the education provided by Katie.” Whitney D.
Here are some other birth articles and stories we know you’ll love.
- How Often to Feed a Newborn (& How to Know If Baby Is Getting Enough)
- Anatomy of Breastfeeding
- Benefits of Skin to Skin Contact After Birth
- “Our birth story is definitely one I will enjoy sharing for the rest of my life.”
- “…tools to be able to have a great birth experience.”
- “The breathing techniques got me through labor.”
- Labor Breathing & Why it Matters
- Childbirth Breathing Techniques Similar to Lamaze®
- “Ryan said the class was the best thing he could have done to prepare for labor.”