Top Natural Childbirth Benefits for Babies & Parents

Top Natural Childbirth Benefits for Babies and Parents

Many pregnant couples wonder about the top natural childbirth benefits for babies and parents. While the perk of an epidural is obvious — pain relief — it’s often harder to quantify the value of going natural.  Let’s highlight a few of the exciting, evidence-based benefits of natural birth.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Natural Childbirth Benefits #1:  More Satisfying Births

Most people imagine that a pain-free birth equates to a positive birth.  But believe it or not, women who choose natural childbirth tend to rate their birth as more satisfying than women who choose epidurals.

Studies conclude that a woman’s feelings of a positive birth experience do not correlate with the amount of pain felt during the process.  Rather, variables such as involvement in decision-making are much more likely to influence the experience (1).  Women who choose natural birth tend be much more active in their decision-making about childbirth (8).  With this in mind, it’s not surprising that although patients who chose natural birth had more pain, they also reported higher satisfaction scores both immediately after labor and 1 year later (7).

Natural Childbirth Benefits #2:  Less Potential for Medical Interventions

Natural childbirth techniques (breathing, relaxation, massage, etc.) are not invasive.  The techniques pose little potential for harm or side effects to mom or baby.  This approach to birth minimizes the need for interventions.

In contrast, epidurals are accompanied by the following standard interventions (9):

  • IV placement and intravenous fluids
  • Bed rest during labor
  • Restrictions on eating and drinking
  • Continuous electronic fetal monitoring
  • Urinary catheter

Each labor intervention listed above poses some measure of risk to mom and baby.  In minimizing the need for routine interventions, natural childbirth is often a safer approach to a low-risk birth.

Natural Childbirth Benefits #3:  Shorter Pushing Phase

Women who opt for natural childbirth tend to have a shorter pushing phase of labor. According to a study involving over 42,000 women, it was found that pushing can take up to 2 hours longer when an epidural is on board (2).

Why might this be so?  In an unmedicated birth, mom is typically free to move around and push in a wide variety of positions that can help promote labor progress.  Additionally, the urge to push is unhindered by a numbing medication.  This enables mom to feel when she is having a contraction and gives her the chance to push only when she feels the urge.  (With an epidural, women may be encouraged to push as soon as the cervix is 10 cm dilated, which can lengthen the process.)

Not surprisingly, a shorter pushing phase is associated with lots of benefits for mom and baby, including (3,4,5):

  • Less stress on the baby (decreased risk of fetal acidosis and heart decelerations)
  • Lower risk of injury to mom’s perineal muscles
  • Less fatigue for mom
  • Lower risk of postpartum hemorrhage

Natural Childbirth Benefits #4:  Less Use of Assisted Delivery

Free of medication to numb the pushing sensation, women are less likely to need help to push the baby out.  When help is needed it often comes in the form of an “assisted delivery“, also known as an instrumental birth.  This is where forceps or vacuum extraction are used to remove the baby from the birth canal.

Women who require an assisted delivery experience (11,12):

  • Greater risk of injury to the anus and perineum, and more 4th degree tears
  • Risk of damage to baby’s facial and cranial nerves
  • Greater risk to the baby’s scalp

Natural Childbirth Benefits #5: Easier Recovery

If you want to set yourself up for the best chance for a smooth recovery, natural childbirth is the way to go.  Of course, an easier recovery isn’t a given.  Perineal tears, bruising, and other complications can certainly occur in a natural birth.  However, an unmedicated birth can aid mom’s postpartum recovery in the following ways:

  • Mom is usually able to walk and move around directly after the birth of the baby
  • No swelling in the urethra from a catheter, which makes it easier to pee right away
  • Less constipation (epidural and narcotic pain medication slow the bowels and increase the severity of constipation)
  • Less risk of severe trauma to the perineum from forceps and vacuum extraction
  • No side effects from the epidural or narcotic medications to deal with (ie. spinal headaches, itching, nausea, low blood pressure, etc.)
  • No fluid retention from epidural-related IV fluids

Natural Childbirth Benefits #6:  Empowerment

It’s hard to explain, but after a natural birth, you feel like the strongest woman on the planet.  It’s like you can tackle Everest, cross the Sahara on foot, or even raise this baby you just gave birth to!  The intensity of natural birth requires you to dig deep into the reserves of your strength and fortitude, and you emerge with a new awareness of your ability to do hard tings.  I am woman, hear me roar!

Kopa Birth’s online childbirth classes allow you to prepare for a natural childbirth in the comfort of your own home, 24/7. Enroll today in our free online childbirth class to learn more about preparing for natural childbirth.


  1. Salmon, P., Miller, R., & Drew, N.C. (1990)  Women’s anticipation and experience of childbirth:  The independence of fulfillment, unpleasantness and pain.  British Journal of Medical Psychology 63(Part 3), 255-259.
  2. Cheng, Y.W., Shaffer, B.L., Nicholson, J.M., Caughey, A.B.  (2014).  Second stage of labor and epidural use:  a larger effect than previously suggested.  Obstet Gynecol. Mar; 123(3): 527-35
  3. Roberts, J.E.  (2002).  The “push” for evidence: management of the second stage.  Journal of Midwifery Womens Health.  Jan-Feb; 47(1): 2-15.
  4. Hansen, S.L., Clark, S.L., Foster, J.C.  (2002).  Active pushing versus passive fertal descent in the second stage of labor:  a randomized controlled trial.  Jan; 99(1): 29-34.
  5. Rouse D.J., Weiner S.J., Bloom SL, Varner M.W., Spong C.Y., Ramin S.M., et al. Second-stage labor duration in nulliparous women: relationship to maternal and perinatal outcomes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009;201:357.e1–7
  6. Beilin, Y., Halpern, S.  (2010).  Ropivacaine versus bupivacaine epidural labor analgesia.  Anaesthesia & Analgesia.  August, Vol 111(2): 482-487.
  7. Morgan, B., Bulpitt, C.J., Clifton, P., and Lewis, P.J. (1982).  Analgesia and satisfaction in childbirth (The Queen Charlotte 1000-mother survey).  Lancet, 1, 808.
  8. Poore, M. & Foster, J. (1985).  Epidural and no epidural anesthesia:  Differences between mothers and their experience of birth.  Birth, I. 205.
  9. Lothian, J. A. (2014). Healthy Birth Practice #4: Avoid Interventions Unless They Are Medically Necessary. The Journal of Perinatal Education23(4), 198–206.
  10. Simkin, P. and Ancheta, R.  (2017) The Labor Progress Handbook: Early Interventions to Prevent and Treat Dystocia.  John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 217.
  11. American Congress of Obstetricians & Gynecologists.  (2016, February).  Retrieved from
  12. O’Mahony, F., Hofmeyr, G.J., Menon, V. (2010).  Choice of instruments for assisted vaginal delivery. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 11.  Art. No.:  CD005455.

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Meet Katie Griffin

I’m a registered nurse, Lamaze certified childbirth educator, and the mother of 7. I help women realize their dream of a natural, intimate, and empowering hospital birth.

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Many pregnant couples wonder about the top natural childbirth benefits for babies and parents. While the perk of an epidural is obvious — pain relief — it’s often harder to