5 Breastfeeding Classes In Atlanta, GA

Breastfeeding Classes in Atlanta, GA

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Finding a high-quality breastfeeding class that fits your philosophy, style, and schedule is hard enough. We created this list of the top 5 breastfeeding classes in Atlanta, GA to help make your choice a little easier.

We’ve created a list of five breastfeeding classes in the Atlanta, GA metropolitan area that will help you prepare for breastfeeding. These classes have all been recommended to be included on this list. Each class presents a different curriculum, and will offer varied approaches to breastfeeding. Use it as a springboard to find the breastfeeding class to fit your schedule and style.

Here’s our list of top prenatal yoga classes in Atlanta, brought to you by Kopa Birth:

Kopa Birth®

Kopa Birth® offers local and online childbirth classes to prepare couples for natural birth. Practice deep relaxation, breathing techniques, labor positions, and much more. Kopa Birth® can help you prepare for an amazing natural birth!
Website: www.kopabirth.com/

Video-based, Online Childbirth Classes
• Cost: $195+
• 8 comprehensive video classes
• 12+ hours of instruction
• Natural hospital birth footage
• Mock labor experience
• Downloadable relaxation audio tracks and course manual

Breastfeeding Classes Atlanta, GA

Breastfeed Atlanta
Our classes offer more than just breastfeeding education – they provide a unique combination of clinical assistance, peer support, and education.
Phone: (404) 454-9715
Website: https://breastfeedatlantallc.com/
Address: 1 Baltimore Pl NW #160, Atlanta, GA 30308

Emerge Birth Services
We believe that birth and breastfeeding are a profound right of passage and that each birthing woman and her partner deserves to be respected and supported on their journey. Pregnancy is not something that needs to be “fixed” by a doctor, midwife, or provider, but rather an event where parents are active participants and, through education and awareness, are equipped to advocate for themselves and their baby.
Phone: (404) 632-6752
Website: https://emergebirthservices.com/
Address: 1 Baltimore Pl NW Ste 140 Atlanta, GA 30308

Highland Lactation
Our comprehensive lactation care can help you overcome the challenges you face, even in complex cases. Whether you are home with a sleepy baby who just won’t latch, are concerned about infant weight gain, or any number of possibilities, Highland Lactation is here to support you.
Phone: (404) 561-5538
Website: https://www.highlandlactation.com/
Address: Inside Midtown Family Wellness, 1259 Monroe Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30306

Labor of Love
Doulas provide continuous support during labor and breastfeeding and offer guidance with your birth preferences and goals in mind. She helps you to ask your care provider thoughtful questions and advocates for your informed consent.
Phone: (770) 241-2078
Website: https://alaboroflove.org/
Address: Buckhead, Atlanta, GA 30305, USA

The Happiest Doulas
Get on-demand support or planned educational sessions on both breastfeeding and newborn care. We’ll share with you our tips, tricks, and a wealth of knowledge to ensure your “fourth trimester” is a smooth transition to parenthood.
Phone: (678) 653-6852
Website: https://www.happiestdoulas.com/
Address: 41 Memorial Dr SE, Atlanta, GA 30316

Do you have a recommendation of a breastfeeding class in Atlanta that should be included on this list? Please, tell us! Contact Kopa Birth® for possible inclusion on this list. Reference “Breastfeeding class in Atlanta, GA.”

Kopa Birth’s online childbirth classes allow you to prepare for a natural childbirth in the comfort of your own home, 24/7. Enroll today in our free online childbirth class to learn more about preparing for natural childbirth. 

Meet Katie Griffin

I’m a registered nurse, Lamaze certified childbirth educator, and the mother of 7. I help women realize their dream of a natural, intimate, and empowering hospital birth.

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Finding a high-quality breastfeeding class that fits your philosophy, style, and schedule is hard enough. We created this list of the top 5 breastfeeding classes in Atlanta, GA to help