The Hubbs and I took your Saturday class in April. I kept telling him that we needed coaching if we were going to have a natural birth with our very first child. He was a bit reluctant but of course agreed and came along. We learned positions, we had a workbook and CD to use and gained all the head knowledge that we hoped would helped us achieve our goal. We absolutely loved your gentle and hands on approach. He left raving about the class and that it was worth every penny!
I was due 6/4 and after there was no dilation at my 5/30 appointment and after my doctor mentioned I would be induced on or after 6/11, I felt like it may be time to think about natural induction. I did some research and it wasn’t long before I ran across the Scalini babies and the myth that goes along with their eggplant parmesan. I picked it up on 5/31 and had it for dinner that evening and lunch my last day of work 6/1. I remember thinking when I got in the car “oh boy what if this 48 hour thing is true and in 2 days I have a baby? Whoa!!!!” I almost got cold feet but remembered how ready we were to meet our Little Man!! Around 4am on 6/2 I woke up to some strong cramping. I kept thinking “ooo these Braxton Hicks are something else” until I went to the bathroom and saw my bloody show/mucus plug. That’s when my husband jumped in the shower and I started to realize this was happening. He made all the calls to the family to let them know we were in route to Northside Hospital. We got there around 6am and there wasn’t any doubt that I’d be staying. I was about 4cm dilated and using my breathing techniques. We had an excellent show of support with friends and family at the hospital so I was able to pose for some pictures and share some laughs with everyone before things got heavy. I started pushing a bit early (didn’t know that then though) so I after 2 hours I was completely exhausted. The staff was so understanding of my hope to have a natural birth that not once did I feel pressured or threatened about a C-section. Considering the baby’s heart rate kept dipping it was a very real possibility. Finally after a lot of different positions he began to crown….and then his head and shoulders got stuck. On 6/1 at 4:53pm after the safe use of a vacuum our son was born!! We were so thrilled that even after he got stuck I was still able to have a successful, natural birth experience. No cutting no tearing. Yay!!
– Nyla P.
Here are some other birth articles and stories we know you’ll love.
- How Often to Feed a Newborn (& How to Know If Baby Is Getting Enough)
- Anatomy of Breastfeeding
- Benefits of Skin to Skin Contact After Birth
- Online Childbirth Classes for Natural Hospital Birth
- 7 Natural Hospital Childbirth Tips to Help Prepare
- FREE – Class #1 of the KOPA® PREPARED Online Childbirth Course
- Natural Birth Without A Doula: What to Know
- KOPA® PREPARED Plus Online Childbirth Course
- “Thank you for you UH-Mazing class!”