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Finding a high-quality natural childbirth class that fits your birth philosophy, coping style, and schedule is hard enough. We created this list of the top 5 natural childbirth classes in San Diego to help make your choice a little easier.
We’ve created a list of five natural childbirth classes that will help you prepare for a natural childbirth in the San Diego, CA metropolitan area. These classes have all been recommended to be included on this list. Each class presents a different curriculum, and will offer varied approaches to childbirth. Do your homework to find the best fit for your birth philosophy and coping style.
Here’s our list of top natural childbirth classes in San Diego:
Kopa Birth®
Kopa Birth® offers local and online childbirth classes to prepare couples for natural birth. Practice deep relaxation, breathing techniques, labor positions, and much more. Kopa Birth® can help you prepare for an amazing natural birth!
Video-based, Online Childbirth Classes
• Cost: $195+
• 8 comprehensive video classes
• 12+ hours of instruction
• Natural hospital birth footage
• Mock labor experience
• Downloadable relaxation audio tracks and course manual
Natural Childbirth Classes San Diego CA
Beautiful Beginnings
Beautiful Beginnings is a group of birth and postpartum doulas, childbirth educators and lactation educators whose main purpose is to provide support. They have classes in Bradley Method, Lamaze, Birthing From Within, Hypnobabies, HypnoBirthing and breastfeeding. They also provide classes to become a doula or educator.
Birthing Joyfully
Bradley affiliated instructor Connie Rivera teaches an 8-week class that covers nutrition and exercise, relaxation and labor coping, coaching, breastfeeding and early parenting.
Phone: 858-735-8932
San Diego HypnoBirthing
San Diego HypnoBirthing offers a 5-week series that covers nutrition, daily relaxation practice and labor preparation. Their courses are offered at a few locations to help accommodate as many as possible.
Phone: 858-254-9515
The Birth Education Center of San Diego
The Birth Education Center of San Diego offers classes, workshops and resources to help women enjoy and protect their birthing experience. They support all kinds of birth and also provide doula services.
Phone: 858-254-9515
The Lovely Labor
Bradley affiliated instructor Jessica Evans teaches a 10-week class that covers nutrition, labor prep, and newborn care. She also offers doula services.
Phone: 760-855-1390
Kopa Birth’s online childbirth classes allow you to prepare for a natural childbirth in the comfort of your own home, 24/7. Enroll today in our free online childbirth class to learn more about preparing for natural childbirth.